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Are you a user of Vigilo? Send us an enquiry.

    What type of device did you use when the problem occurred?*



    Check which device you were using when the problem occurred. If you have tried several devices, specify which ones in the free text field below.

    Which browser did you use when the problem occurred:?*

    Check which browser you were using when the problem occurred. If you have tried several browsers, specify which ones in the free text field below.

    For the best possible user experience, we recommend using Google Chrome.

    Please describe the problem and the actions you performed. Enter only relevant information.

    Drag and drop files

    Please upload full-screen screenshots. Feel free to send us more screenshots, as this helps us assist you better.

    Make sure you do not upload any sensitive information.

    I agree that my inquiry will be shared with Bergen Municipality, with the purpose of gathering information to improve and further develop the system. Consent can always be withdrawn by contacting Vigilo.

    By submitting your inquiry, you agree that Vigilo will process the information you share with us in this case. We use Zendesk for this purpose and store the information until we have responded and closed the case you are now creating. After this, the information is deleted/anonymized. Some anonymized information may be used to analyze users' contact with us. For example, how many inquiries do we receive concerning kindergarten.